Saturday, February 25, 2012

More painting.

Here's one that's all paint. Acrylic on watercolor paper. Based on the Sam Peckinpah movie "The Wild Bunch".


Speaking of digital- Here's some painty stuff. Mostly done in acrylic and photoshop.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Digital? really?

I've been working with a program called Manga Studio lately. So far so good! This stuff is my first ALL digital art. I'm pretty happy with it! It's a bit of a pain to get used to drawing on the tablet but overall it's not so bad. There's a couple of more or less standard inky looking pics here, as well as an experiment and homage to Ashley wood/Kent Williams.
It seems as though the digital format really lowers stress levels and opens up a lot of freedom. Pretty soon I start working on PAGES like this.